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Recent Projects

We Build Projects That Last

EOD/EROC Site Work

Philson Ltd performed all civil works for the construction of new Explosive Ordnance Disposal training facilities for the Department of National Defense at CFB Gagetown. Sub-Contracted to Maxim Construction, the Project required the development and implementation of a comprehensive engineered Environmental Protection Plan to perform works in proximity to Swan Lake and species at risk.  Philson was responsible for all Quality Control & Quality Assurance measures including Geotechnical testing and inspection.

Highlights Include:

  • 75,000 m3 of stripping and grubbing

  • 105,000 m3 of common excavation

  • 30,000 m3 of mass rock excavation

  • 400,000 tonnes of aggregates hauled to site and placed.

  • 1700m of water, storm, and sanitary services.

  • 80,000 m2 of topsoil & hydroseed

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Currie Mountain

Philson Ltd was the successful contractor for the Currie Mountain project in Douglas, NB for the Department of Transportation & Infrastructure.  The Project consisted of highway and storm drainage upgrades to approximately 3km of the Route 105.  A major highway, thru traffic had to be always maintained during construction. Two large multi phase detours were required, as well as multiple smaller detours.

Highlights Include:

  • 105m of 2400mm Dia. RCP cross culverts

  • 300m of additional RCP cross culverts ranging in diameter from 750mm to 1800mm

  • 60 catch basin structures ranging in diameter from 1050mm to 3000mm

  • Over 1800m of storm sewer pipe of various sizes.

  • 20,000 tonnes of Class A Backfill

  • 6500 tonnes of asphalt

  • 5000 tonnes of rip rap

4 ESR Site Work

Sub-contracted to PCL Construction, Philson Ltd performed a complete site works package for a new 20,000 m2 facility for the 4 Engineer Support Regiment at CFB Gagetown.  The project included the installation of the largest stormwater detention chamber system to date in the Maritimes.  During course of construction, significant quantities of contaminated soil were encountered.  Properly removing and disposing of the soil was completed in a timely manner, with no impact on the overall construction schedule.

Highlights Include:

  • 75,000 m3 of soil stripping and common excavation

  • 45,000 tonnes of contaminated soils removed on-site and remediated at an approved facility.

  • 110,000 tonnes of building structural backfill

  • 55,000 tonnes of parking lot and roadway aggregates

  • 1200m of water main

  • 1600m of storm sewer

  • Combined 3220 m3 capacity of stormwater attenuation chambers installed

  • 2500m of electrical direct buried and concrete ductbank

  • 24,000 m2 of asphalt surfaces

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Rookwood/Waggoners Roundabout

Philson Ltd was the Prime Contractor for the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Rookwood, Waggoner’s Lane and Odell Park for the City of Fredericton.  The project had a compressed timeline with schedule constraints that only Philson Ltd could meet in the local market.  The project also included significant upgrades to the main Odell parking lot and access road.

Highlights Include:

  • 545m of water main

  • 750m of sanitary services

  • 775m of storm services

  • 11,000 tonnes of roadway and parking lot aggregates

  • 2300 tonnes of asphalt

  • 1170m curb & gutter

  • 1800 m2 of sidewalk

Shirley Road Realignment

Philson Ltd is the Prime Contractor to realign the Shirley Road on the Range Training Area at CFB Gagetown. Over the past ten years, a crucial watercourse crossing on Shirley has gradually degraded, with potential to impact training operations. The project consists of a new 1.2km ROW and construction of a arch culvert crossing over Swan Creek. 

Highlights Include:

  • 5 hectares of clearing and grubbing

  •  130,000 cu.m of common and mass rock excavation

  •  105,000 tonnes of aggregates hauled to site

  • Installation of an UltraCor multi plate arch culvert with an inside diameter of 19.62m c/w cast in place concrete foundations and 400 sq.m of MSE walls. Supplied by Atlantic Industries Limited.

  • 5500 linear feet of driven H-Piles under foundations.

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